About Us
Foster + Saves Lives
Ministry of Cat
Get Involved
Vet Internship
AReV Verein
Full Name
Preferred App to Contact
Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)
1. Why do you want to foster from us?
2. How did you find out about our foster program?
3. How long would you like to commit to fostering?
4. What type of animal would you like to foster? (species, size, age, gender, personality) If you have a specific animal in mind, please add its name.
5. Please provide details regarding your living space.
6. Will the animal(s) have access to the street/balcony/garden WITHOUT supervision?
7. How many people (adults, children) live in the home? Are any of the residents allergic? Do all residents agree to fostering?
8. How many hours will the animal be alone each day?
9. Do you travel frequently? If so, what are your plans for your animal(s) during that time?
10. Are there other animals living with you? (species, age and genders) Name any medical/behavioral issues your animals may have.
11. Have you owned/fostered pets before? If yes: What species? How many? Where are they now?
12. Are you willing to train with your foster? (basic commands, socialization, leash training, undesired behavior, etc.) If so, what training techniques will you use?
13. What will your animal’s nutrition, exercise and enrichment routine look like?
14. Are you willing to work with us to promote your foster animal to help them get adopted? (sending photos/videos, attending meet and greets, welcoming potential adopters to your home, actively seeking potential adopters)
15. Are you planning to leave Cambodia? When?
16. What questions or concerns do you have for us about fostering and caring for animals?
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