5 Cruelty-Free Labels: Avoid Animal Testing when Shopping (Graphic Content)


If you have a pet at home, you surely love your cats, dogs, or other animals you may have. You want to keep them healthy, safe, and happy, and that’s amazing! Wouldn’t it be great, if ALL animals could live such a life?

That’s why in this article, the Animal Rescue Cambodia team talks about the topic of “animal testing” for human products. We present why products are tested on animals, which products are typically affected, what types of experiments are included under animal testing, and how you can help poor lab animals by making conscious consumer choices.

Which Products are Tested on Animals and Why?

To this day, products like medicine, cleaning products, cosmetics, pet food, and more are tested on animals. This is done to ensure that these products, typically containing chemicals, are safe for human use (consumption, application, handling).

To give you an idea, in the United States alone, more than 100 million animals are used for testing products every year. These animals don’t live a species-appropriate life and often die a slow and painful death.

Which Animals are Used for Testing?

Many different species are used for animal testing, but the most common are mice, rats, rabbits, hamsters, cats, dogs, and non-human primates.

What Type of Experiments are done as Animal Testing?

Animal testing are experiments and can include, but are not limited to:

  • inserting irritating, chemical substances into rabbit eyes (draize test)
  • injecting or force-feeding animals with potentially harmful substances
  • surgically removing animals’ organs or tissues to deliberately cause damage
  • forcing animals to inhale toxic substances
  • subjecting animals to frightening situations to create anxiety & stress

Imagine these tests being performed on your beloved pet cats or dogs. It’s a horrible thought, isn’t it?

So, what’s the Solution?

Fortunately, there are also products and brands which do without cruel animal testing. How can you know? Typically, they have a cruelty-free seal/label. The most common ones are

Wait, did you say vegan?

What does VEGAN mean in Regards to Products?

Vegan means that the product was made without using animal products (e.g. gelatine is often used to filter/clear wine) and also does not contain any animal products like eggs or dairy.

Which Products are Cruelty-Free in Cambodia?

While these products may not be available in every store, why not check the household products you normally buy for such a seal and check the alternative options?

Some cruelty-free brands that are available in Cambodia are

What’s Next?

We would like to start a conversation about “cruelty-free” products in Cambodia. Can you help us to expand the list of products that are vegan/animal-friendly and available in Cambodia? Message us!